July 3, 2019

Kate PSA - Mental Health & Dolls

Hello there. I know we haven't met before...my name's Kate and I'm the one who makes sure all my friends are doing alright mentally. I'm sworn to secrecy about what they tell me in session, but I can tell you things aren't always as easy as we make them look here on the blog.

For Bay and friends here, their doll collection, the stories that go with each doll and the time spent looking for and fixing up new dolls...that's what brings them joy each day in the midst of the crazy that is life.

Even for them, people aren't always as kind as we might like. It's going to happen. People will look at you funny for walking around with a doll, even make comments at times. But that's okay. You do you, as long as you aren't causing anyone else harm by it.

Don't let someone else's opinion be the thing that stops you from doing what you love.

Time for me to interject here. Bay here to give you an update!

Part of why we've gone quiet the last month is because we've been getting ready to make a big change in our lives (that will hopefully have a positive effect on this blog and our Instagram) -- All of our dolls have been temporarily packed away to prepare for a move to a new state, but they'll be back at the end of June or beginning of July and better than ever! With special guests, too!

Where does this fit into this blog? Well, we've been a little bit less than a hundred percent lately. Our motivation for the blog has been a little less than we'd like. Hopefully this switch of locations will fix things for us, let us get back to the joy we had hoped to put into this blog, for ourselves and for all of you too!


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